Lucas Grant still producing amazing aquatic artwork

by | Jul 8, 2014 | Advanced Aquarist | 2 comments

Lucas Grant still producing amazing aquatic artwork

Artist Lucas Grant

Lucas was born and raised in Zimbabwe and currently resides in South Africa.  He studied Fine Art (majoring in sculpture) at Rhodes University in South Africa, achieving Distinctions and winning the Purvis Prize for best Honour’s results.  This year, one of his wildlife art pieces was one of the ~160 selected out of over a thousand submissions to be featured in the David Shepherd Wildlife Fund’s Wildlife Artist of the Year, a premiere worldwide wildlife art competition.

While this article naturally focuses on aquatic artwork, Lucas’ work encompasses a range of wildlife, notably (and not surprisingly) African wildlife expressed through a variety of mediums (charcoal, graphite, photography, et al.).  Lucas is available for original commissioned artwork including affordable ($40 USD) pastel charcoal drawings of your favorite fish on vintage dictionary pages.  These drawings are gorgeous and sure-fire conversation pieces; I can personally attest to this because I own and display several Lucas Grant pieces.

Lucas currently lives and works in Cape Town.  When he’s not producing his splendid artwork (his full-time profession), he works part-time as a high school English and Art teacher.

To view Lucas Grant’s artwork, visit these websites:


On to the eye candy!  We now bombard you with a massive collage of some of Lucas Grant’s chalk pastels.









    • Leonard Ho

      I'm a passionate aquarist of over 30 years, a coral reef lover, and the blog editor for Advanced Aquarist. While aquarium gadgets interest me, it's really livestock (especially fish), artistry of aquariums, and "method behind the madness" processes that captivate my attention.

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    1. Daniel H FY1B


    2. elon musk

      mr grant be cookin


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